As skilled as we may be as practitioners in our field,

we may find ourselves stumbling when we encounter the inner challenges that inevitably arise when we desire business growth.

In seeking business expansion, we may (un)consciously fear stepping more boldly into an embodied sense of our true power, confusing it with the other form of power. We may (un)consciously fear establishing clear boundaries with our clients (timely payments, respectful reschedules). We may want to be more visible and have our work reach more people, yet we stay safe in our invisibility.

In this special 3 part series (which took place October 12th and November 9th, 2023), we will build on the topic of receiving money by exploring from a somatic perspective our experience with Power, Conflict + Boundaries, and Visibility.

Our body’s resilience and attunement in each of these areas aids our ability to flourish - financially and otherwise - in our businesses.

As we grow our nervous system’s capacity for safety in all of these areas, we become steady, receptive, clear and able to run a business that not only supports us but thrives in many areas.

We invite you to join us for this special 3 part series co-hosted with Shelby Leigh and Megan deBoer to receive experiential support in navigating the internal and external complexity that each topic holds.

With guided embodiment, nervous system regulation and visioning exercises, you will be equipped with insight, gentle tools, and a nourished, more resilient system to opening to the more flourishing business you are calling in.


Shelby Leigh

Shelby Leigh, MA, LPC is a somatic trauma therapist and business coach/consultant and has over 15 years of clinical practice. She believes our capacity to thrive is directly connected with our ability to tap into our innate wholeness and embrace past traumatic imprints while building a new empowering relationship to what is possible in ourselves and in our lives.

Awakening to the crucial role of the body/mind connection and all of the wisdom the body holds, we have an opportunity to open to power, radiance, magnetism, clarity and visibility in ways that serve each of us uniquely. Between her own journey with complex PTSD and supporting thousands of students and clients, she is ignited by supporting folks across the globe to be able to support themselves and the people they work with to move from simply surviving to truly thriving.

Megan deBoer

Megan deBoer is the founder of Tended Wealth, a business that helps individuals heal their emotional and practical relationship to money. As a certified Financial Recovery Counselor, her approach considers the context of our current financial circumstance: our lived experience, our family of origin, and the broad culture that together shape our beliefs about money. She is passionate about transforming this fundamental part of our lives from shame and overwhelm to a sense of agency, clarity, and potential. She specializes in helping women who are self-employed to radically increase their earning. Her course participants and 1:1 clients regularly attest to the life changing power of this work.